JSeeQ - Job Seeker's Toolkit


JSeeQ is a SaaS package, focused on jobseekers’ needs, rather than recruiters’ or employers’.


Searching for a job is a full-time (even if short-lived) sales job. Tooling, on the other hand, is scattered, hard to adapt, and tailored to the buy-side of the job market.

Candidates, whether seeking jobs full-time (layoffs, graduations, returning after parental leave), or part-time, use spreadsheets and word documents to manage relationships, sales pipelines, offers, advisors (both personal friends, and professional – lawyers, consultants, accountants).


  • JSeeQ contains a CRM system for candidates’ needs. Pre-configured for an easy start, it tracks employers, roles, recruiters and cadence of follow-ups – https://jseeq.com/pipe
  • JSeeQ contains a document templating system, allowing a resume to be tweaked for a role – and reused for others – as well as tracking usage analytics – https://jseeq.com/docs
  • JSeeQ integrates tightly with Google Docs, Microsoft Office, and LinkedIn – and acts as referral to Defensible’s RSUComp – offer comparison service – https://rsucomp.com/